Monday, April 28, 2014

Deep in thoughts under the rain

i know the title sounds so deep but this post isn't going to be deep at all.
i know that malaysia facing problems such as 
the missing plane MH 370 and also water rationing in several areas...
and now, the sad news flows in again...
Korea's ferry SEWOL has drown.
is sad to hear the news. 
and is even sadder where the weather is this cold and raining.
it feels like the sky is crying together with all the vicitm's family.
i feel so sad to hear the news..
i'm very happy that a lot of people (mostly celebrity, from the news) are donating money to this sad incident and also visiting the memorial even though they are not related to any victims.
i feel so heartbroken to hear that the captain of the ferry just jumped out of the boat without helping anyone.
he should be more responsible as a captain.
i heard because of this incident the prime minister actually resign even if is not his fault.
if South Korea Prime Minister can be so responsible why can't msia be?
i saw news that Obama was in msia.
the speech he made makes me clapping in joy.
but i doubt the govt will listens. 
i even saw minister telling people that the govt is fair to all races..
that is so no true.
if u are fair, where is all those equal rights? 
where are those equal opportunity to study in university??
i hope they could reflect on their action.
to tell u the truth msia could be a very rich country if is not for corruption.
because of this unfairness and corruption,my mom asked me not to go back and work in msia and find an opportunity outside of the country.
i hope they will realise their mistake.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

MY first Casting Ever..

Today, i did my first ever casting...
is interesting since it was my first.
i was nervous since i had such a big role during the casting...
which is the director...
although there were only a few ppl audition..but is enough to fit the headcount for the film...
i really glad that i have a good team mates!
they did great!
and also my producer for the film, for doing such a good job for scouting all this actors..
is fun...
i really hope someday i could really direct without second thoughts...

k gtg


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Is it this hard to be nice to one another?

I always like what Ellen DeGeneres said at the end of her talk show.
"Please Be Kind to One Another."
I thought as human, yes we come from different culture, ethnic, race, countries and many more....
but we are not that different.
why can't we be kind to each other?
my cousin brother who was abused by his father..
in long term he could not take it anymore that is why he asked for help..
but i was reading this comment just now..
(since it was publish on the news)
the comment was like that "he is ur father, the one that raise you up"
after reading that comment i was angry.
i don't get why people judge so fast.
you don't even know the full truth but you already judging the small kid is blaming his father...
i really have no idea what the world has become..
humanity has gone.
where is all the kind soul?
it feels that there are lesser kind soul in the world.
I don't get is that, you are a human yourself how could you abuse too when he is your own son?
i really hope that he will be punished for his action..
i believe in karma, what comes around go around.
you punched my mom before, slapped your son, raped the maid and also mentally abusing your son.
i hope you will regret your action one day for what you have done to others!

Hope you can be kind to one another!!
let's help restore humanity!
