Tuesday, May 1, 2012


it's been a wet day...
rain rain rain..
not to say i hate it but i love it...
today is not as cold as the other days.
me with no jacket on..=)
nothing special bout today...
hmm been thinking how nice to have a gay best fren,,=)
as wat laura says...
having a gay best friend means u have the best of both world..
in one way he is like a girl he helps u with ur fashion and girl stuffs..
and another part is he noes men well cuz he is a men...
haha..really love to hav one..
im very open..haha=P
hmm..thinking all the date lines coming..it kinda freak me a lil...
but i can manage it!!=)
put a smile everyday..
cuz u would love to live life to the fullest=)

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